Mixed Integer Formulations¶
In this page, we give a quick overview of the mixed-integer formulations used to represent the various regression models supported by the package.
Our goal is in particular to highlight the cases where the formulation are not exact and how to deal with potential errors in the solution. This applies in particular to our models for the logistic regression and decision trees (also random forest and gradient boosting that are based on decision trees)
Throughout, we denote by \(x\) the input of the regression (i.e. the independent variables) and \(y\) the output of the regression model (i.e. the dependent variables).
Linear Regression¶
Denoting by \(\beta \in \mathbb R^{p+1}\) the computed weights of linear regression, its model takes the form
Since this is linear, it can be represented directly in Gurobi using linear constraints. Note that the model fits other techniques than ordinary linear regression such as Ridge or Lasso.
Logistic Regression¶
Denoting by \(f(x) = \frac{1}{1 - e^{-x}}\) the standard logistic function and with the same notations as above, the model for logistic regression reads
This model is formulated in Gurobi by using the logistic general function constraint. First an intermediate free variable \(\omega = \sum_{i=1}^p \beta_i x_i + \beta_0\) is created, and then we can express \(y = f(\omega)\) using the general constraint.
With version 11, Gurobi introduced direct algorithmic support of nonlinear functions. We enable it by setting the attribute FuncNonLinear to 1 for the logistic functions created by Gurobi Machine Learning.
Older versions of Gurobi make a piecewise linear approximation of the logistic function. By default, the approximation guarantees a maximal error of \(10^{-2}\). Those parameters can be tuned by setting the pwl_attributes keyword argument when the constraints is added.
Neural Networks¶
The package currently models dense neural network with ReLU activations. For a given neuron the relation between its inputs and outputs is given by:
The relationship is formulated in the optimization model by using Gurobi \(max\) general constraint with:
with \(\omega\) an auxiliary free variable. The neurons are then connected according to the topology of the network.
Decision Tree Regression¶
In a decision tree, each leaf \(l\) is defined by a number of constraints on the input features of the tree that correspond to the branches taken in the path leading to \(l\). For a node \(v\), we denote by \(i_v\) the feature used for splitting and by \(\theta_v\) the value at which the split is made. At a leaf \(l\) of the tree, we have a set \(\mathcal L_l\) of inequalities of the form \(x_{i_v} \le \theta_v\) corresponding to the left branches leading to \(l\) and a set \(\mathcal R_l\) of inequalities of the form \(x_{i_v} > \theta_v\) corresponding to the right branches.
We formulate decision trees by introducing one binary decision variable \(\delta_l\) for each leaf of the tree (and each input vector).
We introduce the constraint
imposing that at least one leaf is chosen.
Then for each leaf, the inequalities describing \(\mathcal L_l\) and \(\mathcal R_l\) are imposed using indicator constraints:
A difficulty here is that the strictly greater than constraints of \(\mathcal R_l\) can’t be represented exactly in a mixed integer optimization model. To approximate it, we introduce a small threshold \(\epsilon\). We discuss below the trade-offs for choosing a value for \(\epsilon\).
In our implementation, \(\epsilon\) can be specified by a keyword parameter
of add_decision_tree_regressor_constr
. The default
value for \(\epsilon\) is 0. This means in particular that if \(x_{i_v}
= \theta_v\) in the solution, the model doesn’t discriminate between the two child
nodes of \(v\) and either direction may be picked. This may also
happen whenever \(\epsilon\) is set to a value that is below the
feasibility tolerance
of Gurobi. If the value is instead set above the feasibility tolerance, then the
left and right nodes are correctly discriminated by the model, but a small
interval is created between \(\theta\) and \(\theta + \epsilon\) where
there is no feasible solution. This may artificially make the optimization model infeasible
depending on how tightly the input of the decision tree regressor is
The reasoning behind our default setting is that even though there may be a difference between the output value of the Gurobi model and the prediction of the original decision tree, it only corresponds to a small perturbation in the values of the input variables.
Random Forest Regression¶
The regression model of Random Forests is a linear combination of decision trees. Each decision tree is represented using the model above. The same difficulties with the choice of \(\epsilon\) apply to this case.
We note additionally that the random forests are often very large and generating their representation in Gurobi may take a significant amount of time.
Gradient Boosting Regression¶
The gradient boosting regressor is a linear combination of decision trees. Each decision tree is represented using the model above. The same difficulties with the choice of \(\epsilon\) apply to this case.
We note additionally that the gradient boosting regressors are often very large and generating their representation in Gurobi may take a significant amount of time.